SCOP Lunch Lectures: Foster Care with Professors Jennie and Luca Grillo
September 19, 2024
SCOP members shared a meal with Professors Jennie and Luca Grillo, who shared about their journey as parents to two daughters through the foster care system.
2024 Club Fair!

September 3, 2024
Stop by the SCOP table at the activities fair to hear from Officers about what child-oriented policy is and our exciting plans for this year!
2024-2025 Academic Year Opening Bonfire
August 29, 2024
SCOP partnered with Notre Dame Right to Life to celebrate the start of the school year with our annual Opening Bonfire! We celebrated club-member friendship with s’mores and punch!
AsceND and Magdala Ministries
SCOP is proud to promote two new student groups that fight pornography addiction and heal sexual brokenness. AsceND is designed for men who are seeking freedom from pornography through accountability and small groups. As of January 2024, there are over 135 participants. Magdala Ministries is for women who wish to heal brokenness in their sexuality. To sign up, click here.
Past Events
Sound of Freedom Movie Watch
December 2nd
The Knights of Columbus hosted SCOP for a viewing of Sound of Freedom, a movie about the horrors of the child sex-trafficking industry.
Speak Out Against Drag at ND
There is a drag show performance & “symposium” scheduled at Notre Dame on November 3. The University should not promote and fund this activism in the name of academic freedom. Voice your concerns to administrators using this student-run link:

Love and Fidelity Network Conference
October 27-29, 2023
10 SCOP members traveled to Princeton, NJ for the annual Sexuality, Integrity, and the University Conference. They heard from speakers Brad Wilcox, Rachel Killackey, Carrie Gress, Jason Carroll, and Emma Waters, and they discussed the importance of love and fidelity with other like-minded students in an effort to bring strong arguments for these ideals back to Notre Dame.
Healthy Marriages Brunch
October 7, 2023
Father Chris Brennan joined over 50 SCOP members for brunch and a conversation about healthy marriages and relationships. Fr. Chris worked in a parish and conducted pre-cana sessions for engaged couples, and he had much wisdom to share with us. Suzy Younger, the pre-cana coordinator at Notre Dame, also added some helpful tidbits!
Selena Soule: Save Women’s Sports
September 13, 2023
Selina Soule, a track athlete featured in What is a Woman, joined us to discuss saving women’s sports! Soule experienced the unfair effects of men participating in women’s sports throughout her career, and she shared her testimony along with an account of her legal efforts to prevent other women from experiencing the same. Q&A was answered by her lawyer, Christiana Kiefer.
Kick Off Bonfire
August 31, 2023
SCOP and Right to Life members joined together to welcome prospective members at a fun, back-to-school bonfire! We roasted s’mores and connected with other like-minded students.
Student Activities Fair
August 29, 2023
SCOP Board encouraged students to join SCOP by offering free candy bars and t-shirts in exchange for answering trivia about the deleterious effects of pornography and drug/alcohol abuse.
Christmas Toy Donation
December 7th, 2019
The club met up for breakfast to discuss how children can be negatively impacted when they do not have a father in their life. For example, there is a four times greater risk of poverty for children with an absent father. We then bought toys to donate to Toys for Tots to help children in need.
The Price of Our Humanity: Disability Selective Abortion and Cost-Effectiveness
November 21st, 2019
Developmental psychologist and Public Policy Fellow of the Center for Ethics and Culture at the University of Notre Dame Mary O’Callaghan spoke to the club about disability selective abortion, a topic she has spoken to the UN about.
Speech on Best Practices for a Campaign to Filter Pornography on a College Campus
November 10, 2019
Co-president of SCOP Veronica Maska encouraged attendees at the Sexuality, Integrity, and the University Conference to start campaigns at their own universities which call for a filter on pornography on campus Wi-Fi networks. SCOP also provided students with a document outlining the best practices to take for this campaign.
Sexuality, Integrity, and the University Conference
November 9th – 11th, 2019
Princeton University
“Every year Sexuality, Integrity, and the University brings together hundreds of students, scholars, and experts from across the country to equip the college students with the best academic resources and arguments they need to bring the message of love and fidelity back to their campuses.
Conference participants will find ample opportunity to network with and learn from each other and can attend sessions by experts who will present us with their recent research and findings on the topics of marriage, family, and sexual integrity.”
Seminar at the Witherspoon Institute
November 9th, 2019
SCOP attended a seminar at the Witherspoon Institute on work and family life.
Visit to Princeton, New Jersey Art Museum and Chapel
November 9th, 2019
Members of SCOP visited the Princeton University Art Museum and the Princeton University Chapel.
Visit to Lehman’s Orchard
October 13th, 2019
The club made a trip to Lehman’s Orchard in Niles, Michigan to pick apples and raspberries.
“Man of God” Dinner and Discussion
October 11th, 2019
Father Terry Ehrman spoke to students over dinner about his book Man of God, which chronicles a man’s journey to overcome his addiction to pornography and to go on to have a healthy relationship with his wife and child. Students were also provided with copies of the book.
Fighting Irish Fighting Pornography
October 11th, 2019
We collected signatures on our petition to filter pornography at Notre Dame and provided resources to help student overcome struggles with pornography.
Conversations that Matter: How to Have Difficult Conversations About Porn and Addiction
October 10th, 2019
Licensed clinical social worker M.J. Murray Vachon spoke to Notre Dame students about how to discuss pornography addiction to friends and to help friends overcome their struggles. This event was co-sponsored by the Gender Relations Center.
The Business Case for Filtering Pornography
October 9th, 2019
Donna Rice Hughes, CEO of children’s internet safety organization Enough is Enough, spoke to the Notre Dame community about the business reasons pornography should be filtered on Wi-Fi networks. This event was co-sponsored by the Mendoza College of Business and the de Nicola Center for Ethics and Culture.
Read the Observer article on this event here.
No Harm in Looking, Right?
October 8th, 2019
SCOP worked with the Gender Relations Center to distribute pamphlets and posters to students with information about the harms of pornography.
Prayer Service for Those Affected by Pornography
October 8th, 2019
The Knights of Columbus and SCOP hosted a prayer service to pray for those with pornography addictions, those in the industry, and those affected by pornography addictions. Students lit a candle in the grotto for a friend suffering from an addiction or someone in the industry.
Tabling with Resources about Pornography
October 7th and October 8th, 2019
SCOP members spent two mornings distributing bagels, white ribbon against pornography pins, resources to help students overcome pornography addictions, and information about White Ribbon Against Pornography events.
White Ribbon Against Pornography Week
October 7th – October 11th, 2019
Our club hosted our fourth annual White Ribbon Against Pornography week to raise awareness about the harms of pornography, provide resources to students struggling with pornography, and argue for a filter on pornography on Notre Dame’s Wi-Fi network.
Read the Observer article on the week here.
Transgender Medicine and Children: What are the Facts?
September 26th, 2019
Dr. Paul W. Hruz, M.D., Ph.D., an associate professor of pediatrics, endocrinology, and diabetes and an associate professor of cell biology and physiology at Washington University School of Medicine in St. Louis, and Michelle Cretella, M.D., Executive Director of the American College of Pediatricians, discussed the harms of cross-sex hormones and hormone blockers on children.
Read the SCOP letter to the editor of the Observer on the event: Transgender medicine and the treatment of children
SCOP meets bi-weekly to discuss important issues relating to children. This year, we have discussed topics like surrogacy, adoption, gender transition, and marriage.
Board Game Night
September 13th, 2019
SCOP members hung out for a night of ice cream sundaes and board games.
Recruitment Event
September 3rd, 2019
SCOP officers provided information about our club to students interested in joining. We told students about our pillars: support of marriage, education, and adoption and opposition to pornography and drug abuse.
Beginning of the Year Party
April 29th, 2019
Returning members of SCOP met up for a night of minute-to-win-it games, ice cream sundaes, and cards.
Club meeting on the HIstory of Students for Child-oriented Policy with co-founders Tiernan Kaine and Tim Bradley
February 5, 2019
Founders Tiernan Kaine and Tim Bradley detailed the founding story of SCOP. At its founding, a student petition circulated calling for an end to SCOP due to its support for marriage between a man and a woman. The club was soon denied official university recognition. However, after national public outcry, Notre Dame reversed its decision and officially recognized the club.
ABC News Nightline Club Appearance
December 14, 2018
The club appeared on ABC News Nightline to detail advocacy for a pornography filter at Notre Dame.
White Ribbon against pornography week
October 22-26 2018
Monday, October 22: Einstein’s Bagel and Rep the White Ribbon and a Prayer Service with the Knights of Columbus
Tuesday, October 23: “Marriage, Family, and Happiness” with Professor of Economics Kirk Doran
Wednesday, October 24: “Sex and the Brain: the Impact of Sexually Explicit Media” with Dr. William Struthers and Dawn Hawkins
Thursday, October 25: Man of God Dinner and Discussion with Father Terry Ehrman
Friday, October 26: Fighting Irish Fighting Pornography: Sign the banner and petition for a Wi-Fi filter at Notre Dame
“Marriage isn’t something you do after you’ve grown up, marriage is something that helps you keep growing up, after you’ve already started.” -Doran
The part of you that [marriage] kills is the independent, proud, selfish part of you that doesn’t want to make sacrifices for others.” -Doran
Attendance at sexuality, Integrity, and the University Conference in Princeton, NJ
October 26-27
Every year Sexuality, Integrity, and the University brings together hundreds of students, scholars, and experts from across the country to equip the college students with the best academic resources and arguments they need to bring the message of love and fidelity back to their campuses.
Conference participants will find ample opportunity to network with and learn from each other and can attend sessions by experts who will present us with their recent research and findings on the topics of marriage, family, and sexual integrity.
Seizing our Cultural Moment:
The Paradoxes of the Sexual Revolution
Mary Eberstadt, Faith and Reason Institute
Breaking the Campus Bubble:
#MeToo and Sexual Assault
Mary Rose Somarriba, Verily Magazine
Special Remarks
Robert P. George, D.Phil, Princeton University
Fathers Be Good to your Daughters: The Link Between Fatherlessness and a Sexualized Culture
Tim Rarick, Ph.D., Brigham Young University – Idaho
Are you my mother? Surrogacy, Identity, and Being Human
Adeline Allen, J.D., Trinity Law School
Battle of the Sexes: Junk Sex vs. Junk Food
Joe Malone, Ph.D., SEX IQ
Club t-shirt distribution in support of family
The Students for Child-Oriented Policy T-shirts says: “We support family: where life begins and love never ends,” to demonstrate our commitment to strengthening families in order to better the lives of children.
Cheap Sex: The Economics of Modern Love
April 11, 2018
SCOP is pleased to host Dr. Mark Regnerus, associate professor of sociology at the University of Texas at Austin and a senior fellow at the Austin Institute for the Study of Family and Culture. Prof. Regnerus will present on his book, “Cheap Sex: The Transformation of Men, Marriage, and Monogamy,” in which he relates the effects on the dynamics of the dating pool, often deleterious to women, of technologies such as contraception and digital pornography.
Valentine’s Day Campaign
February 14, 2018
SCOP is pleased to be a part of the national Valentine’s Day campaign, #TakeAChance.
Made possible by the Love and Fidelity Network, the campaign has spurred college students to “take a chance,” to push past media messaging that dominates popular campus culture, and to be more. By getting to know each other on authentic dates, not sexualized nights, we affirm that people are worth investing time, talents, and love into.
Check out the posters spread across campus – in your dorms, classrooms, dining halls, workout rooms, and study spaces. No matter what space you are in, think about it. You’re worth more. Others are worth more. Make a real date happen. Take a chance.
White Ribbon Against Pornography (WRAP) Week
October 22-27, 2017
Sunday: 11:15 pm @ the Grotto // Prayer service for all those affected by pornography. Hosted by the Knights of Columbus.
Monday: 8-10 am @ DeBart // WRAP week pins and Rise’n Roll doughnuts- stop by to learn more about the week, and get some great resources!
Tuesday: 5:00 pm @ DeBart, Room 102 // PORN: On Both Sides of the Screen. Panel discussion with Crissy Moran, an ex-actress who has left the pornography industry, and Tray and Melody Lovvorn, a couple profoundly affected by pornography. Open to the public. Cohosted with the McGrath Institute for Church Life.
Wednesday: 5:30 pm @ Legends // Dinner presentation and discussion with Fr. Terry Ehrman, C.S.C., author of “Man of God: Lessons to Young Men about Life, Sex, Friendship, Vocation, and Loving with the Heart of Christ.” Men and women welcome. Open to Notre Dame, Holy Cross, and St. Mary’s students, but spaces are limited. Please RSVP by emailing
Thursday: 8:00 pm @ Geddes Hall, Room B034// Presentation on hypersexualization in the media with Jess Keating and Brett Robinson of the McGrath Institute for Church Life. Open to the public.
Friday: 11 a.m.-2 p.m. outside both dining halls // Sign our pledge banner and the petition to get Wifi filters for pornography on ND’s campus.
Children Conference
March 25, 2017
9:30am Opening Remarks
9:45am-10:30am Mary O’Callaghan Getting it Right: Down Syndrome, Prenatal Diagnosis, and Medicine
10:45am-11:30am David Lapp The Working Class Family
11:45am-12:30pm Chiara Sferrazza How to Choose Great Children’s Literature (and avoid Wimpy Kids) (Skype lecture)
12:30pm-1:15pm Lunch // Geddes Coffeehouse
1:30pm-2:15pm Tim O’Malley An Education for Family Life: How Universities Are Forming Future Spouses and Parents
2:30pm-3:15pm Jennifer Lahl The New Modern Family
3:30pm-4:15pm Clark Power Children and the Moral Imagination
4:45pm-5:30pm Melissa Moschella To Whom Do Children Belong?: Parental Rights, Civic Education, and Children’s Autonomy
5:30pm-7:00pm Dinner // Coleman-Morse Center
“Obstetrics has taken a good—eliminating a disability—and turned it into an evil—eliminating a person.” -O’Callaghan
There is a need to return to a system that “makes possible a way of education that civilizes the human person and civilizes family life.” -Sferrazza
Adopting a Culture of Life
February 8, 2017
This panel features the stories of Cesili Forney, Trish Reimann, and Ande Verteramo, (birth mother, adoptive mother of four, and adoptee, respectively), and how they responded to crisis pregnancies with a disposition of life. Also, learn about the US adoption system from Mary Ball, director of Holy Family Adoption Agency in South Bend. Many in crisis pregnancies feel like they lack options and support, and this event will share the beauty that they found in adoption. The event is co-sponsored by Notre Dame Right to Life, and the Tocqueville Program.
“I really had to think about someone’s life other than my own…Now that I’ve chosen life for him, he can be whatever he wants to be.” -Forney
Coverage of the Event by the Irish Rover
White Ribbon Against Pornography (WRAP) week
October 30-November 5, 2016
Sunday: 11:15pm @ Grotto // Prayer led by Knights of Columbus
Monday: 8-10am @ Debart // Einstein’s bagels and WRAP week pins – stop by to learn more about the week, and get some great resources!
Tuesday: 5pm @ Legends // Dinner and discussion. Spots are limited, so please RSVP to Carolyn Ebner ( by noon on Monday, 10/31 if you would like to attend.
Wednesday: 7pm @ Geddes, B036 // Professor panel “Uncensored: The Real Price of Pornography” featuring Margaret F. Brinig, Fritz Duda Family Chair in Law, Kirk B. Doran, Associate Professor of Economics, and Timothy P. O’Malley, Director of NDCLC and Professor of Theology
Thursday: 5 pm @ Geddes, Andrews Auditorium // “Pornland” documentary and Skype Q&A with Gail Dines, author of a book of the same title.
Friday: 11am-2pm @ SDH and NDH // Fighting Irish Fighting Pornography: Sign the pledge banner and petition for wifi filters
On Harms and Hopes: The Myriad Injustices of Pornography
April 14, 2016
Dr. William Struthers of Wheaton College and Dawn Hawkins, Executive Director of the National Center on Sexual Exploitation, spoke on the psychological, social, and relational harms of pornography. Sponsored by SCOP, the Center for Ethics and Culture, the Institute for Church Life, the Gender Relations Center, and the Tocqueville Program for Inquiry into Religion and Public Life.
“The Raising of America” documentary screening, followed by discussion with Brian Collier and Abigail Palko
January 28, 2016
Sponsored by SCOP and Edu Club, a viewing and discussion on the second episode of the mini-documentary series “Raising of America: Early Childhood and the Future of Our Nation”, followed by a discussion led by Brian Collier, coordinator and supervisor for the ACE Teaching Fellows and Abigail Palko, associate director of the Gender Studies Program.
Adoption: Experiences and Perspectives
November 19, 2015
Sponsored by SCOP and the Tocqueville Program for Inquiry into Religion and Public Life, a panel on the role and value of adoption as a loving choice made for the sake of a child’s good, all things considered. Panelists included Tim O’Malley, Professor of Theology at Notre Dame, and Elizabeth Kirk of Ave Maria University.
Foreign Film Screening: Shower
November 11, 2015
Sponsored by SCOP, a free screening of the critically acclaimed Chinese film “Shower”. The film was introduced by Michael Bradley, a graduate student in theology at Notre Dame, and explores the values of family, friendship, and tradition.
To Choose or Not to Choose: A School Choice Panel
November 3, 2015
Sponsored by SCOP and the Education Club, a panel on the benefits and drawbacks of school choice policies and the changing landscape of modern education. Panelists included John Schoenig, Director of Teacher Formation and Education Policy for ACE, Maria McKenna, Senior Associate Director of the Education, Schooling, and Society Program, and Steven L’Heureux, an MBA student.
“I think one of the main issues that plagues our society is that we tie our methods to our purpose. People think: I am a voucher person, I am a charter person, I am a union person, and we become tied to these means. But these means are not the end; our true purpose is that we all want children to have higher educational outcomes.” -Schoenig
“Public education is a concept that the state has a sacred obligation to provide an education to its children, and the public school system is not necessarily the only way in which this can be done. We don’t necessarily have to keep doing what we have done in the past.” -Schoenig
Truth Overruled: The Future of Marriage and Religious Freedom
October 5, 2015
Sponsored by SCOP and the Tocqueville Program for Inquiry into Religion and American Public Life. The Supreme Court has issued a decision, but that does not end the debate. Now that the Supreme Court has ruled, Americans face momentous debates about the nature of marriage and religious liberty. Because the Court has redefined marriage in all 50 states, we have to energetically protect our freedom to live according to conscience and faith as we work to rebuild a strong marriage culture. Ryan Anderson draws on the best philosophy and social science to explain what marriage is, why it matters for public policy, and the consequences of its legal redefinition.
Marriage: What it is and Why it Matters
April 23, 2015
Sponsored by SCOP and the Natural Law Institute, a lecture on the meaning and significance of marriage by Melissa Moschella, Assistant Professor of Philosophy at The Catholic University of America.
Getting Schooled: Education in the Western Tradition
April 14, 2015
Sponsored by SCOP and the Tocqueville Program for Inquiry into Religion and American Public Life, a panel discussion on education in the western tradition featured Martin Bloomer, Professor Classics, spoke on education in Ancient Rome; Walter Nicgorski, Professor Emeritus in the Program of Liberal Studies, spoke on liberal education in Cicero’s though; and Thomas F.X. Noble, Professor of History, spoke on education in the Middle Ages.
“A liberal education provides us with the dispositions and skills to better understand the world and the self.” -Bloomer
“Questions of the just and the good are always present, and we must recognize that morality is central to our development.” -Nicgorski
“Education in its completeness requires friendship and agreement.” -Nicgorski
“In the utterly secularized world in which we live, relativism has made moral education difficult.” -Noble
Pervasive Porn: Exploring the Personal and Social Costs of Pornography
January 31, 2015
Pornography has emerged as a serious social problem in the internet age, due to ease of access and the explicit nature of modern pornographic material. Research and experience testify that the consequences of pornography consumption reach beyond the individual consumer and producer to society at large. Especially concerning is the growing prevalence of pornographic exposure among children; teenagers comprise one of the largest cohorts of internet pornography consumption. The problem is pervasive. Children, persons suffering from addiction, loved ones and family of those suffering from addiction: all are harmed by the ubiquity of pornography. The consumption of pornography carries decisively social consequences and is a matter for social concern.
This conference seeks to provide sound scholarship along with personal testimony and therapeutic experience in an effort to better understand the personal and social costs of pornography in modern society, and to explore means of addressing the porn problem with a specific regard for the well-being of the youngest and most vulnerable among us.
Sponsored by: Students for Child-Oriented Policy, Tocqueville Program for Inquiry Into Religion and American Public Life, Center for Ethics and Culture, The Irish Rover, Ethika Politika, Sycamore Trust, Love and Fidelity Network, St. Edward’s Hall, Zahm House, Morrissey Manor, Stanford Hall, Fisher Hall
Conference agenda
Pot: Hot or Not? The Young, American Democracy, and the Drug Problem
The former “drug czar” under President George W. Bush, John P. Walters, discussed the problems emerging from marijuana usage, specifically how it plagues the young.
“The argument that drug use is about the individual and their choices, this sort of libertarian argument, is flawed because the effects of drug use have a great ripple effect that especially impacts children. It is not an individual illness; rather, it is a cancer that eats at the relationships that hold our society together. This is precisely why the future of drug policy in the country will be so important as we move forward.”
-John P. Walters
Coverage of the event by the Observer
Editorial on the event by SCOP
For Richer, For Poorer, For Children: The Definition and Importance of Civil Marriage
McKenna Conference Center at the University of Notre Dame
Noon to 7 p.m. on April 3, 2014
What is marriage? What purpose does it serve as a civil institution, and why is it a political subject? As controversial as marriage has become across the country, these questions are rarely addressed. Many in the national media are more interested in pronouncing marriage a non-issue in politics than in examining the effects that civil marriage has on the youngest and the poorest among us. Here in Indiana, however, we should not ignore how important it is for these most vulnerable members of society that we properly define and promote marriage as a civil institution. This conference will gather student leaders from across Indiana to form a statewide network of advocates for marriage, properly defined, as a child-oriented civil institution that specially serves the poor.
Sponsored by: Students for Child-Oriented Policy, Tocqueville Program for Inquiry into Religion and American Public Life, the Irish Rover, Ruth Institute, the Strake Foundation